Saturday 4 July 2015

Tagamet (Cimetidine) Home Remedy for Warts

Home remedies for warts and other skin problems really run the gamut. People are more concerned about their appearance than almost anything else! Many people have put castor oil on warts, or toothpaste on cold sores, or smothered themselves in tea tree oil - but many of these home remedies have little research to back them up, though some have tons of anecdotal evidence from enthusiastic followers. However some home natural home remedies and treatments do have some research to back them up, for example removing warts with duct tape is well proven to work as well as some over the counter drugstore wart removers, but it does take perseverance and a lot of patience. Using duct tape over the wart and leaving it on for about a week, then removing the tape and soaking the wart in water, followed by some gentle use of an Emery board, will work as well as many over the counter remedies such as adhesive pads with salicylic acid, but with both the treatments may take from 6 to 12 weeks before the wart is completely gone. freezing solutions using Propane or Freon are much quicker with a 75% efficacy rate after two or three treatments. They work by literally freezing the wart off. Please for safety reasons do not ever use over the counter wart treatments on a child’s face or lips - seek advice from a doctor!

 Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days without Surgery

 Many of us will have heard of individuals that had warts but after taking the tagamet antacid drug the warts have disappeared in a short time. The problem is that Tagamet is a medication for reducing the amount of acid produced by the stomach to treat conditions like ulcers and reflux disease. Tagamet HB is available over the counter for conditions such as heartburn. The drug is pretty safe if used as directed, but common side effects include headaches, dizziness, and drowsiness. There are some studies which have suggested cimetidine (Tagamet) is effective for resistant warts, and many dermatologists believe this to be the case. However, in a recent double-blind controlled study they could find no beneficial effect. Tagamet vs Zantac, supporters of this antacid treatment feel it is more effective than zantac when used for childrens warts, whereas zantac is better in adults (but there is no evidence to support this, this bekeif is based on nothing more than hundreds of anecdotal reviews). if you want to try this treatment, the recommended dose is 20 to 40 mg per kg of bodyweight per day, up to a maximum of 3.5g per day over a three to four-month period. Click image below to find cheap tagamet 200mg 30 tablets for less than $8!!!