Monday 14 January 2008

Genital warts in males

What actually are genital warts? Genital warts in males are basically symptoms of a viral infection which may include the tissues around the infected area. Genital warts in males typically affect the urethra, penis, scrotum and rectal area. These warts often appear as soft, raised areas with smooth or rough surfaces. In males particularly, genital warts can go unnoticed because they are often covered with pubic hair and can be present for some time with no itching, burning, pain or other physical symptoms, men can have genital warts and not even realise! Luckily, there are several treatment options available to remove genital warts. According to the American Academy of Physicians, the goal of treatment is to prevent the virus spreading and to relieve any physical symptoms. Unfortunately no one method of removing male genital warts works in every case.

When choosing the best treatment for genital warts removal, your doctor will take into account the size, location and number of warts. Doctors and dermatologists who provide treatment for male genital warts removal in their surgeries will often use one of the following techniques: Cyrotherapy (using liquid nitrogen to freeze then remove genital warts), Application of TCA -trichloracetic acid, Electrocautery (burning off male genital warts with an electrical current) or Laser therapy using an intense light to remove genital warts.

Find out how genital warts had literally unleashed hell in my life and what I did to get rid them forever - without having your doctor staring at your wart-disfigured genitals with your pants around your ankles!!!!!! 

over the counter home prescription treatments for male genital warts include imiquimod cream and podofilox cream. These creams require repeated daily applications by the patient over a period of weeks or months to take effect but many patients still prefer these medications because they can be applied in the privacy of their homes and are less embarrassing.

It is important to realise that although there are effective treatments for genital warts sufferers there currently is no cure. The treatment lingers within the body, genital warts can reoccure and will require additional treatment. Condoms do not adequately protect against genital warts, because the infected areas may not be covered by the condom. The only reliable prevention is not to have skin contact with potentially infected tissue.